Big Apps Idea Pte Ltd Apps

WASHNOW Mobile App keeps track of the numberof occasions where laundry services are utilised.Customers are able to track their usage of the laundry serviceand earn rewards through a loyalty program.Know the latest developments and updates of upcoming promotionsperiodically and save as you wash!
J Maison Cafe 1.1.2
Welcome to the official J Maison Cafe's mobileapp! Download the app today to open the doors to everything allabout cakes, food and latte art. Check out our events, new cakes,new food and choose the menu that you want eat. Enjoy!
EduPAC Portfolio 1.2.0
EduPAC Marketing LLP creates, organises andoversees customized programs for schools and corporateorganisations. Some of our capabilities include Thematic SchoolCamps, Events management, Staff retreats, Team Building programmesand Student Leaders Training.
youarepossibleacademy 4.0.1
You Are Possible Academy is the modernbusiness school of today.#YAPA was created to empower women to start their own onlinebusiness.Genecia Alluora (Luo) is a passionate, personable, and inspiringwoman who has been training and coaching for over 20 years invarious areas of personal development, and business.Being the founder of Queenz8 Business Group, it may seem thatGenecia Alluora has everything that she wants now but the truth isit was not easy for her to make it this far. In business for morethan 10 years, Genecia has overcome many obstacles to become asuccessful business owner today. She is here to help women toachieve their success in business and in life through starting anonline business.As the Mentor of (Singtel) Shopify Asia Build A BusinessCompetition, As a mentor, she have to get the participants into theright frame of mind for entrepreneurship as it is the first stepfor their takeaway. They have to commit themselves wholly into thecompetition and tell themselves that they will do whatever it takesto succeed. I hold weekly mentoring sessions online in my#YouArePossibleAcademy private Facebook group to help onlinebusiness owners get focused and give guidance. I always tell them,“Before you can be successful, you have to decide to besuccessful.”As Principal Consultant at InQueenz, she consults, coaches, andtrains men, women and youth in personality development, living herpurpose of empowering her students to become Winners on Stage andMasters of Life.To date, Genecia has conducted training for many beauty pageantcontest in Singapore, among others; training contestants ondeportment, etiquette, self-confidence, personal branding,interpersonal communication, and other related topics.Advice to those who are thinking of participating in startingtheir own online business.Always remember “Sell to everybody, Sell to nobody”.You need to find out who you want to market your products to.Once you have identify your target audience, then you can sell yourproducts to the right people and your sales will start kicking in.Attend my weekly webinars to keep your business goals on track.Subscribe to for business nuggets, life andwealth wisdom.
Coffee Anywhere 1.399
Download our mobile app now. coffeeanywhereallows you to order your coffee by just using your mobile phone.You can also avail our coupons by using our app. We also givefreebies by using the loyalty feature of our app. You can also postyour message to our fan wall.
Laundry Nowhere 1.399
Laundry Nowhere Mobile App keeps track of thenumber of occasions where laundry services are utilised.Customers are able to track their usage of the laundry serviceand earn rewards through a loyalty program.Know the latest developments and updates of upcoming promotionsperiodically and save as you wash!
Active Seniors 4.1.1
This Active Seniors application is developedby Family Central's Elder Education department, whose mainobjective is to promote active ageing, lifelong learning and towiden social networks among seniors. It provides an interactiveplatform for the seniors to enhance, enrich and share theirlifelong learning experience with others and aims to keep seniorsupdated on the various lifelong learning programs and eventsoffered by Family Central
Intelli-Sleep 4.0.1
Intelli-Sleep™ is the new therapeutic SleepSystem that helps to relieve back pain and neck aches, providing acomfortable and relaxed feeling of weightlessness, as the uniquematerial contours to the natural shape of the body.Download our app to stay in touch with our latest offers,product launch, promotions, events and rewards.
FruitsofHealth 1.399
This App is definite must have for the urbanfamily person who are too busy to get their regular supplement.With the convenience of this app now you can easily provide andprotect your loved ones with just wearing negative ion clothingfrom the one and only trusted Japanese household brand Nefful. Themiracle teviron cloth provides immense negative ion absorb via skinjust by wearing. The protection of negative ion last throughout theday as wearers are safely guarded against daily radicals andpositive ion elements which are detrimental to our health. Withthis mob app, you can now easily order our collection of the bestthat nature can give to protect our loved ones from the daily lifestress, to supplement your beauty and health. In addition, ourclients enjoy potential income with the advantage of mobile app tomanage orders from clients.
ViVi Apps Preview 2.0.0
This app is to show all you wonderful clientsall of our app functions available for you to choose from and useto set up a customized and wonderful app for your business or yourclients
Terra@Sg 4.0.3
Download Terra@Sg App now to view the latestbreakthoughs in mobile accessories. Available for purchasecountrywide in Singapore and various regions in China. Our range oftrendy and fashionable accessories have proved well-liked andpopular among children, teenagers and young adults. Talk to us inthe App!
Yang Ming Fish Merchant 1.399
Yang Ming Fish Merchant at Tekka Marketsingapore- View and Order Fish right from your phone- Recipes to handle our fishes- Insider news on whats fresh- Email us photo of fish- Locate us with ease- contact usStore pick up only , please pay by cash at store.
Cinroma Essentials 4.0.1
This product is specially formulated for alltypes of air purifier machine which contains fragrances & pureessential oil.Why Essential Oils- High in antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviralproperties.- Organic substances from the volatile liquid of plants.- Used for aromatherapy, personal care, and emotionalwell-being.- Miniscule in molecular size, perfect ingredients in personalcare items.
Etoly 1.399
Established since 2005, Etoly providesdistribution and supply of quality fashion jewelry, costumejewelry, children and wedding accessories, display stands to theretailers.We are regularly adding on fashion jewelry and hair accessoryitems to our business collection including wedding jewelry to givevendors, retailers and other store the finest variety of hairproducts, earrings, bracelets, necklace, ornaments and othercostume jewelry and fashion accessories.Etoly understands and believes the importance of working closelywith individual retailers to provide the best service that can betrusted. Not only providing updated stocks but most importantly, weensure prompt response and delivery order services
HSM Engineering 1.399
The official mobile app for HSM Engineering!HSM ENGINEERING is set up as the import & export arm of HonSin Machinery, who specialized in the Heavy Machinery &Equipment Parts business since 1990.We have more than 20 years of experience and have built up areputable name in this industry in the Asia Pacific Region. Ourcustomer base ranges across Asia and mainly from Southeast Asia. Wesource for Genuine, OEM and/or replacement parts for our customersand supply them in the most efficient way possible.
Colorz 1.399
Colorz was founded and established inSingapore 2006.Our avant-garde design fuses fashion with traditionaljewellery-making in 925 Sterling Silver, electroplated and madewith Swarovski Elements (unless otherwise specified).The jewellery designs epitomize the technique of fine-jewellerymaking, setting each piece apart from others. The infinitecombination will certainly allow you to obtain the optimumjewellery for any occasion.Uya Collection, which is our most popular collection, is madewith Swarovski Elements.We strive to tailor each piece of jewellery to meet the needs ofour customers, whether sizes, colour arrangement or making use ofexisiting design to make them in a new piece of jewellery.
Yan F&B 1.399
At Yan F&B, we are committed to servinggood tasting food. We are conviniently located at Jurong East MRTStation. Serving great tasting duck rice, we have recently expandedour services to include catering for events. Feel free to get aquote using our mobile application or head straight down to try ourfood.
Advance Auto Sound 1.399
Advance Autosound Pte Ltd, founded andestablished in 1997, is the most reliable when it comes to in carentertainment systems.As car owners ourselves, we know how dull traffic congestions canbe. That’s why we offer a wide range of equipment such as DVDplayers and stereo sound systems, as well as surveillance recordingsystems and GPS navigation systems at attractive prices. Come downto our one-stop shop to take a look at our products.Our team has over a decade of experience in installation and isconstantly trained to handle new technologies. Where installationservices are concerned, we are the best in the business. Contact usto enquire or make an appointment with our staff and we will behappy to assist you.
COFFEE:NOWHERE as we would like it to beaddressed is determined to evoke that moment one experienced onlocation with their family, friends and acquaintances in theirgatherings, and we will continue to work on more memories that youwill be fond of here as you relish in the great times spent withyour dear ones over a cup of Joe in a concept cafe!Let us be part of your journey - a journey of excellence - we arenow here!
Morel Trading 4.0.2
Morel Trading is a new corporate gifts andpremiums company.We carry a wide range of products that is suitable as agift.The product we carry includes, t-shirts, jackets, stationery,writing instruments, bags, haversack, laptop bags, keychains,leather goods, drinkwares, etc.To provide quality, low cost, low quantity corporate gifts,merlion gifts and logo bags and caps at the right time and rightquality.A cost-effective way of promoting your company and buildingloyalty, our promotional items and business gifts reflect a perfectblend of tradition with modernity.We are capable to offer a wide range of products, therebyfulfilling your different business needs.
Pin Xiang Yan 品香筵 4.1.1
主要经营四川菜和东北菜,食物以川菜的“辣”和东北菜的“香”为主要特色,因口味纯正、经济实惠而广受顾客喜爱。为了满足顾客的需要,我们一直在努力研制新的菜品和改进烹饪技术,致力为顾客提供一个“吃香喝辣”的好去处。顾客是我们存在之根本,感谢您一直以来的支持和鼓励,拥有您的不离不弃,才能成就我们美好的未来!招牌菜-农夫烤鱼相传起源于三国的诸葛亮,当时隐居琅琊县的诸葛亮最爱吃的一道菜是烤鱼,这种烤鱼其用料,做法与普通的烤鱼多有不同,别具特色。诸葛亮每备有家宴时,常邀几位好友共品烤鱼美味。后来,诸葛亮离开隆中,辅佐刘备打天下。刘备成都称帝后,诸葛亮又将其推荐至宫中,这种烤鱼不但诸葛亮百吃不厌,刘备、关羽等人也很喜欢吃,成了皇家御宴上一道不可缺少的美食。赤壁之战的时候,鲁肃前去与刘备相商联吴抗曹之事,刘备就用这烤鱼招待他。鲁肃从未吃过这样独特美味的烤鱼,遂问刘备,这烤鱼叫什么名字。刘备大笑,说这道菜是诸葛先生创造的,还没有名字呢。鲁肃思考过后说到,既然是诸葛先生创出的美味,就叫“诸葛烤鱼”吧,诸葛亮在一旁听着,觉得不妥,解释道:这道菜还是我在隆中当山野农夫的时候,吸收乡民烤鱼技术,总结出来的做法,称它为“农夫烤鱼”更为合适吧。所以就有了“农 夫 烤 鱼”这道家喻户晓的名菜。Mainly engaged in Sichuandishes and Dongbei food in Sichuan "hot" and Dongbei "sweet" as themain character, because the taste of pure, affordable and wellreceived by the customer favorite. In order to meet the needs ofcustomers, we have been trying to develop new dishes and cookingtechniques improve, committed to providing customers with a"popular hot drink" a good place to go.Customers are fundamental to our existence, thank you for yourcontinued support and encouragement, have you staying with us for abetter future to success!Signature dish - grilled fish farmerLegend has it origins in the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang, ZhugeLiang was reclusive Langya County favorite dish is fish, this fishits use of materials, practices and common fish there are manydifferent, unique. Every time wise with dinner, often invite a fewfriends eutectic delicious grilled fish. Later, Zhuge Liang leftlung, and his assistant, Liu Bei to conquer the world. Chengduafter the emperor Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang in turn recommend to thepalace, the fish only eat a hundred tire Liang, Liu Bei, Guan Yu,who also loves to eat, has become an indispensable food on a royalfeast. Battle of Red Cliff, when Lu Su went to talk over linking Wuand Liu Bei, Cao anti-matter, Liu Bei to entertain him with thisfish. Lu Su had never eaten such a unique and delicious grilledfish, then asked Liu Bei, this fish name. Liu Bei laughing, saidMr. Zhuge dish is created, there is no name yet. After thinking LuSu said, since it is Mr. Zhuge create delicious, called "Zhugefish" it, Zhuge Liang in a sit in, that is wrong, explains: Thisdish is me in the long mountain farmer when villagers fish absorbtechnology, summed up the practice, called "Farmer fish" is moreappropriate now.So there is a "fish farmer" This Road household dishes.
BT Motoring 1.399
The official mobile application for BTMotoring is finally here!Through this mobile application, our clients can contact us,call us for insurance as well as view our current carsavailable.Download this mobile application to get in touch with us at BTMotoring.
Orange Perspective Consulting 1.399
Orange Perspective Consulting has beenestablished since 2004 and have been dedicated to serving the needsof small and medium companies and individuals. With experience inboth the banking and private sectors and across a variety ofindustries, our professionals are intent on helping you and yourbusiness achieve success and realise your ambitions. Whether we areacting as independent financial advisors, advising on funding abusiness, looking into tax issues, or restructuring a business,meeting our clients' objectives through practical solutions basedon our practice values of integrity, reliability and personalattention is our aim.We have a team of professional accountants and financialadvisors providing a full range of housing and commerical loans,business and corporate loans and financing solutions, accountingoutsourcing, auditing, bookkeeping, corporate secretarial, companyformation, Singapore incorporation, tax compliance, tax filing,payroll outsourcing and other business advisory services inSingapore.
GA Contracts & Services 1.399
GA Contracts & Services Pte Ltd has beenproviding added value to prestigious clients’ corporateneeds.Today, GACS is able to offer a wide & comprehensive range offacilities services & consultancy, into three key areas (TRI):Technical Services:Building ServicesBuilding Product InstallationTechnical Consultancy ServicesRenovation & Alteration Services:Fitting out & Renovation ServicesAlteration & Addition Works ServicesIntegrated Facilities Services:E & M Facility ServicesMaintenance & Repair ServicesEnergy Management ServicesToday GACS have implemented and qualified for WorkPlace SafetyHealth Council requirement by conforming to BizSafe Level 3 safetyrequirements.
Bethesda Hall (AMK) 1.401
Welcome to Bethesda Hall at Ang Mo Kio Avenue4 and at 10 Depot Walk. Our mission has always been to reach peoplewith the good news of salvation in Jesus’ name and to teach peoplehow to live the Christian life according to the Bible. We gather inlarge groups for worship and in small groups for Bible study,fellowship, prayer and ministry. With this app you’ll be able tostay connected with the assembly office as well as to have anup-to-date information on the latest events at Bethesda. Whetheryou’re a first time visitor or regular attendee, this is a helpfuland informative app for you!
Big Apps Idea Preview 2.0.0
This app is to show all you wonderful clientsall of our app functions available for you to choose from and useto set up a customized and wonderful app for your business or yourclients
Ace Furnishing & Consulation 4.1.1
Established in 2014, Ace Furnishing &Consulting Pte. Ltd. is set up to focus on furnishing whichincludes hospital and hotel linens and upholstery.Ace Furnishing is proud of its strong client focus and long-termrelationships. Our aim is to work with our clients to producequality linens which meet their needs and requirements. Our teamwill conceptualize the concept and provide our client with acustomize design suited for their field; and follow up with initialdesign and fabric proposal.Attention to detail and quality of work, paired with industryexperience, make us the perfect choice to partner with to producefinest quality linens.We can assist you, not just on an organisational level, but also ona strategic level. By creating the design and fabric material ofyour linens, we ensure quality and consistency throughout everyproduction.
Ren Ren Chicken Rice 1.399
Ren Ren chicken rice was established in 2012by Mr Derek Lee. Mr Lee was previously operating in Banquet foodcourt until it's closure.Following Banquet closure, Mr Lee and his team of dedicated crewopened Ren Ren first outlet at AMK ave 1 in July 2012. A secondoutlet soon followed in Yishun St 22 in Aug 2013.Ren Ren has gone from strength to strength thanks to thewonderful support of our customers. And because of your wonderfulsupport we will try our best in providing value for money Halalfood. Welcome all
Rev Power 1.399
Rev Power app allows our clients toconnectwith us. Through the various functions, our clients cangather moreinformation, submit feedback to us and many otherfunctions.We at Rev Power will continue to improve ourselves to enableusto serve you better.
Chuang Wei 1.399
Chuang Wei Construction Pte. Ltd. hasestablishand been meeting the needs of many clients, specializinginRenovation / Construction and Addition & AlterationWorks(A&A).With many years of experience in both Residential andCommercialprojects, and with dedicated team of specialized andreliableprofessionals, we are here to provide our clients with thebest ofrenovation solutions.
COFFEE:NOWHERE as we would like it tobeaddressed is determined to evoke that moment one experiencedonlocation with their family, friends and acquaintances intheirgatherings, and we will continue to work on more memories thatyouwill be fond of here as you relish in the great times spentwithyour dear ones over a cup of Joe in a concept cafe!Let us be part of your journey - a journey of excellence - wearenow here!
i Cut Hairdressing 1.400
i CUT Hairdressing app allows custmers tobooktheir reservation and view available discount coupons by usingtheapp. Customers can also send their pictures with the use ofsubmitphoto tab. Customers can also interact with other happycustomersin our fan wall tab. Customers can also subscribe to ourmailinglist for updates
Denkei 1.399
We are specialized in supplying test andmeasuring equipment. Our core products are Oscilloscope,Multimeter, Power Supply, Electronic Load, Data Logger, FunctionGenerator, Sound Level Meter, LCR Meter, Safety Tester and manymore. Our company was founded in the late 1950 having a total 42offices in Japan and 33 offices overseas (China, Taiwan, Korea,Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, India,Philippines and Indonesia). Other than serving the customers, weare also dealing with a large pool of makers. Our group represents5,000 makers therefore it is relatively easy for customers tosource through us. For after sales, we also provide calibration andrepair services. Some of our calibration laboratories areaccredited to ISO17025 standard.
Mei Mei Nail 1.0.3
Welcome to Mei Mei Nail Salon. download ourappto view my pricing and contact me for a reservation.
Optimal Wellness SG 1.0.1
Optimal Wellness SG is the state of theartintegrated wellness centre using natural therapies torejuvenate,detoxify and bring your body back into balance insideout andoutside in.We believe in harmonizing your body, mind and spirit (aprizedstate known as “homeostasis”). Our natural therapiesstimulate yourbody’s inherent wisdom to self-heal. Our treatmentswill eliminatetoxins and rejuvenate body systems to gently bringyou back intohealth the natural way through PhysiologicalRegulating Medicine,Homeopathy, Nutrition, Herbal & FunctionalMedicine andAromatherapy.Our health assessment and treatment protocols will remain attheforefront of preventative healthcare developments.
Maple Leaf Nature Beauty 1.400
Download our mobile app now! Maple leafnaturebeauty app allows you to reserve our appointment by usingyourandroid phone or Iphone. You can also subscribe to our mailinglistand receive updated monthly. Send your photos to us y usingoursend photo tab.
Sanz Pte Ltd is a premier importer andlocaldistributor of a range of barbeque supply for disposabletablewaresuch as plates, bowl, cups, forks, spoons, carrier bags,andhousehold utensils. Our products are distributed at all topnotchsupermarkets and retail outlets in Singapore such as NTUC,ColdStorage, Shop N Save, Giant, MEIDI-YA, Carrefour, Cheers, HOMEFIX,SELF FIX along with many others.Sanz Pte Ltd is now taking the green initiative to savetheenvironment by the name of “BioGreen”. As a company our motiveisto produce environmental friendly products and achieve ourtargetof a greener planet.All our BioGreen products are manufactured using onlyrecycledand biodegradable materials such as corn and coconutinstead oftree and lesser plastic. BioGreen Charcoal is made fromrecycledcoconut waste shell (75%), fine wood powder (20%), mixedwithEdible Starch (5%) and water. Our products are lighter ontheenvironment and leaves less to no impact on the environmentwhenthey are recycled or degraded.Our factory is certificated with the production ofcoconutcharcoal in compliance with the applicable social andenvironmentstandard by NRE and FRIM. It is also tested for sixhazardoussubstances which comply with the limits as set by RoHSdirective2011/65/EU for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalentchromium,Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and Polybrominated diphenylethers(PBDE).We will be venturing into a larger market by increasing therangeof our green and biodegradable products. Some of the productswewill be launching in the very near future include stationaryandtoys.BioGreen strives hard to make our planet a greener andbetterplace for us to live on. So, it’s time you too thinkaboutbiodegradable products seriously and embrace it in yourday-to-daylife!
P&S Signature 4.0.1
We are selling all about beauty andpersonalcare product, production name card (Businesspersonal),othersprinted product as well as logo design. We are also helptoperwarding service from P&S Signature idea isfromowner name -Paris & Steven- We hope more customer canenjoyshopping with us.
Pinnacle Duxton 4.0.1
The Pinnacle@Duxton is an iconichousingproject in Singapore's public housing history, with manyuniquefeatures that set it apart from other HDB housing projects.Located at the site where the first two HDB blocks in thatareawere built, it is the first 50-storey public housing projectinSingapore, housing 1,848 apartments in 7 towering blocks.
Jen de Florist & Gifts 4.0.2
We sell a wide range of variety offlowerscatering for male or female, young or old, for any andeveryoccasion.Our Specialty lies in Floral Arrangements for Funeralscateringmainly for Christians & Buddhists. We also do providefuneralsof non-religious faith. Other services we provide includeWeddings,Special Occasions (Birthday Parties or Graduation),HomeCorporateDecorations etc. for anything & everything underthe sun.It could also just be the perfect gift during Valentines'Day,Mother's Day or Teachers' Day.Come visit us to meet your needs today!
ISA Nails is a home base and mobileNailSpa.Started in 2014, ISA Nails have been providing customizenailservices to customers.ISA Nails belive in providing immaculate Manicure services toitscustomers.Base in Singapore and customers coming from all walks oflife.
Flair Entertainment 1.399
Flair Entertainment has a magnificentmodestconcept accompany from lounge, private rooms with therobustkaraoke sound system, electronic darts-board and equippedwithillumination of art lightnings.Expect great leisure time and music like never before withFlairEntertainment, truly an atmosphere after a long day work whichyouare looking for.Value your time with us!
Get Real Rewards 1.399
Welcome to GET REAL REWARDS.This is the latest exciting platform where consumers are abletogain real attractive rewards from various Singaporemerchantsisland-wide. All you need to do is DOWNLOAD our mobileapp, choosethe desired voucher to be rewarded, submit your detailsand thereyou go! Share this exclusive offer with your loved onesand checkout the different promotions weekly. Our rewards for youconstantlygets better!Through our app, users can:- View various promotions on the go.- Get up to date with new weekly offers.- Submit details and receive desired voucher in thesimplestway.- Consumers will be more informed of each company's productsandservices.- Applicable for other merchants to opt in new vouchers.- Promotions offered are legit and are not bound byunlistedterms.
Download our mobile app now. KAFFE:NOWHEREallows you to order your coffee by just using yourmobilephone. You can also avail our coupons by using our app. Wealsogive freebies by using the loyalty feature of our app. You canalsopost your message to our fan wall.
Aerate Drops 4.0.3
Aerate Drops bring youtherapeutic-gradeessential oils, personal care, beauty and healthcare products ataffordable prices.Discover the wonderful benefits of the essential oils madefrom100% pure, natural, uncut oils that maintain their vitalpotency.With therapeutic-grade essential oils, you can helpyourself, yourfamily, and friends to fill your home with safe,purifyingproducts; strengthen your physical wellness; improve youremotionalBalance; or enhance your natural Beauty.Enjoy glowing skin, well-nourished hair and a healthier youwithour Korea Oriental Herbal Treatment line for hair and bodyatAbsolute Quality, Absolute Price!Download our App for FREE now! We offer specialdiscountEXCLUSIVE for our Mobile App users…
Infusion Specialty Coffee Co 1.1.9
Welcome to the official InfusionSpecialtyCoffee Co's mobile app! Download the app today to open thedoors toeverything coffee. Check out our courses, programs, eventsandchoose the course that suits your needs.
S.D. Car Care Service 1.399
Download our mobile app now! Our app allowsyouto reserve your appointment with us on mobile. Also you canavailour coupons in our app. Subscribe to our app and get monthlyupdatesfrom us. Give us feedback comments or suggestions byposting yourmessage in our fan wall.
Rent A Pedal 4.0.2
Rent A Pedal app is finally here!Developed by guitarists for guitarists.With the Rent A Pedal app, you can:- Get to know about the latest promotions and pedals availableonthe move- Place your order right away- Have access to the price list within seconds- Contact us on the spot- Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram right awayDownload the app today!
JSG Builders 4.0.1
We are a Singapore based companywhospecialises in all kinds of minor and major renovation worksandother general construction works. With our expertise, you canbeassured of professional and reliable services.To achieve high level of satisfaction level, we work closelywithour clients to establish their needs and requirements.Besidescommitted to deliver fine designs and customised solutions,we alsostrive to deliver lasting value to our clients.JSG – Expertise You Can Trust!Guaranteed Reasonable PricesCall Us NOW for a Non-Obligatory Quote
Isabelle the Planner 4.0.1
Isabelle Soh - Your personalprofessionalFinancial Consultant since 2004.Walking every step with you, carving a future you desire.Prudential Singapore, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiaryofUK-based Prudential plc, is one of the top life insurancecompaniesin Singapore. We have been serving the financial andprotectionneeds of Singaporeans for more than 80 years. Our focusis to bringwell-rounded financial solutions to customers throughourmulti-channel distribution network, with product offeringsinProtection, Savings and Investment. We are one of themarketleaders in Protection, Savings and Investment-linked planswithover S$26.5 billion funds under management as at 30 June2014.Prudential Singapore is the first life insurer in Singapore tobenamed Asia's Life Insurance Company of the Year in 2000. Fortenconsecutive years until 2013, we have been awarded the GoldAwardin Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands and we achieved the May DayModelPartnership Award in 2009. In 2010, we emerged as one of thetopinsurers in Singapore in the Customer Satisfaction Index, whichisa national barometer that tracks 104 companies from eightsectors.Since 2007, we have been conferred the People DeveloperAward bySPRING Singapore for our efforts in training anddevelopingemployees and in 2013 and 2014, we were presented withAsia’sEmployer of the Year Brand Award by the Branding Instituteand theWorld HRD Congress. Also in 2014, Prudential Singapore wasawardedthe NTUC Plaque of Commendation (Gold) Award, the LeadingHRPractices Award in Quality Work-Life, Physical &MentalWell-Being and an AA Rating by leading credit ratingagencyStandard & Poor’s.